TGM The Pink Cat Solaris of BlueBlaze
Red Silver Classic Tabby Spay
1999 TICA Northeast Region 20th Best HHP
2000 TICA Northeast Region 19th Best HHP
"Queen of the Mountain"
Solaris was part of a litter of kittens with computer names:
Pixel, Computer Mouse and Linux were some of her littermates.
Unfortunately, Solaris developed a bad infection in her joints
at the age of 10 weeks.
She managed to fight off the infection, but her joints
had developed incorrectly.
Through time and surgery, Solaris is able to get around just fine,
although she does walk a little strangely.
Solaris' recuperation bonded her to the BlueBlaze family,
so she continues to make her home here.
She was shown occasionally as a household pet in TICA.