BlueBlaze Memories - SGC BlueBlaze White Winds Adept Kethry
CH Acrith Alabama Rebel of Kriscaj X GRC BlueBlaze Sofia Magdalena

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SGC BlueBlaze White Winds Adept Kethry
Brown Classic Torbie
Kethry is the result of our first "large" group of litters. Inexperienced as we were, we didn't pay much attention to how long the kittens would be here before they could leave the nest. Consequently, we ended up with a total of 21 kittens. It was an exciting time!
Even in that large group, Kethry was always a standout. She was tremendous fun to show - always showing herself off on the judging table. She just loved it.
Kethry had 3 litters, and was spayed in December 2000. In later years, she started to have some thyroid problems, and she went over the Rainbow Bridge in 2005.

Kethry as a kitten
Kethry @ 5 months
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