CHA Katselkamolot's Sorceary of BlueBlaze
Smoke Tortie and White
Scottish Fold Spay
Sorceary was bred by Pat Klimack, Karin Clay & Kris Richardson.
I first saw Sorceary when she was just 3 months,
and she fit into the palm of my hand!
Her littermate Rosie (KatselKamolot's Rosie EarGrady)
was almost twice her size.
But Sorceary eventually caught up.
At approximately 9 months, Sorceary developed some stiffness in her tail,
and was subsequently spayed.
She originally was a companion for our stud cat at the time (Hondo).
Despite the extreme size difference,
Sorceary had Hondo wrapped around her little paw.
She would duck between his legs to get to their food dish,
and then shoulder him out of the way.
For a number of years, Sorceary co-habitated happily with our
many maine coons, until we lost her to sudden kidney failure.
Sorceary taught us all about Scottish Folds, and came to us as part of
a long friendship with Pat Klimack and her wonderful folds.
Over the years a number of Pat's cats came to BlueBlaze to visit, and
were agented at various and sundry shows.
These included both scottish folds and some of Pat's straight-eared
kittens who were shown in the household pet kitten class.
Sorceary crashed